Cost Engineering

For the last two decades we have been supporting businesses in improving their efficiency with the help of cost engineering enabling them to position themselves on a more secure footing in the future. As a target-orientated consulting business, our focus lies on implementing the results each project generates.

Product Costing

Understanding the cost structure of components made in-house or procured externally is often crucial in determining whether a product is successful in the market in the long term. In order to ensure this is the case, continuous optimisation is a topic which must always be addressed under cost engineering.

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AWS cost engineering - product costing


The keywords Industry 4.0, interconnectivity, autonomous driving, climate change and electrification usually correlate directly with steadily increasing spending on development work. A large share of these development costs is incurred on commissioning external service providers. With our calculations we provide support to Procurement so they can assess the value of the requested services and put the results into action in negotiations.

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Development Costing - Entwicklungskostenkalkulation

Tool Costing

Determining optimal tooling concepts for the volume produced and the particular manufacturing process not only plays a significant role when awarding a contract. In particular where small production volumes are concerned, knowledge about the real value of the tools and equipment needed in the production process provides a crucial advantage in negotiations and consequently delivers a competitive advantage. In addition to the production costs, the planning and development costs as well as the financing and logistics expenses are all taken into account.

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AWS Cost Engineering - Tool Costing
Disassambly for cost analysis


In building up their own expertise in cost analysis, companies face the challenge of merging their manufacturing know-how with accounting know-how. The enablement of your employees plays a major role in our project work. We support you here by providing training on value analysis and cost engineering.

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Cost training and schooling

Basic Data – Knowledge Management

In addition to professional knowledge and expertise, high quality costing depends on the use of high quality data. Transparency, the use of up-to-date data and detailed accurateness are essential to generating any robust analysis.

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Know-how management process

better results.

Cost engineering offers success based on cost transparency. From development, to the tool, to the finished product – we identify your cost reduction potential. Contact us now.


In order to draw the right conclusions from the cost analyses and to be able to react agilely in negotiations, the costs and the cost components need to be presented in a clear manner which is easily understood. With this in mind we have developed our range of AWS CALCULATION TOOLS. They allow us to show you the cost components quickly and accurately in a number of ways, to identify the price drivers reliably and to play through various scenarios quickly and simply in negotiations. Whichever tool is deployed, the principle of the differentiating mark-up costing is the same. In order to provide the best support, we also like to use your own programmes. Our costing engineers have experience in a wide range of costing tools: SIEMENS Teamcenter ®, Product Costing and Tool Costing, and the in-house tools of numerous OEMs (for example, Volkswagen Group, BMW, Daimler, Siemens).

AWS Software Entwicklungskosten Unternehmensberatung
AWS Werkzeugkostenanalyse Unternehmensberatung
AWS Entwicklungskostenkalkulation Unternehmensberatung
AWS Kosten- und Wertanalyse Unternehmensberatung
AWS Kosten- und Wertanalyse Unternehmensberatung